It Was The D&D Of Food

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Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime

Tue, 01/01/2008 - 12:01pm - We picked 12lb of plums from one of our two plum trees this week.  We'll have jam, crumble, vodka/plum-stuff, and just like, normal casual eating plums.

Part of this blog entry on a food trade I made for some bitter melon: csFlickr Some time ago, one of my cow orkers sent me home with some Chinese bitter melon in trade for some of our plums. Natalie fell in love with it immediately, but I can't really get past just how strong it is. I was knocking it down with hot sauce, as I do.

Yesterday I showed up and what do you know? Three more bitter melons ready for me to take home, including one /monster/ of the species which just couldn't have been natural. Fortunately I found the answer at a farm stand tonight. They had bhut jolokia (improperly "ghost chili") peppers.

This was like two titans doing battle on my tongue! I'm fine with the heat of the jolokia by now, but what I love from it is the powerful fruity, citrusy flavor that just crushes you when you put it in your mouth, before it even touches your tongue. It pretty much perfectly set off the bitter melon.

I must have eaten 1.5lb of stir fry and my mouth is very very happy with me.

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