Hmm. So that's how it is in their family
Shriekback - Malaria
TL;DR: Here is how to restore DJ to iTunes, as much as possible
A few months ago, Apple maliciously broke iTunes in several really specific ways, one of which was to drop the DJ functionality, which is basically how I would listen to music.
Reading a thread on JWZ's site this issue, among others, I posted my somewhat-fix for the issue. And it is. A "somewhat" fix. It acts pretty much like DJ used to act, but for two problems. You can't drag things from a window with your whole collection into your "DJ" window (Cause hey, ONLY ONE WINDOW NOW), and besides, I had to create a Smart Playlist to fix it, and you can't add to a smart playlist anyway. There is "Play Next", which I guess works.
My other main gripe with this is that when I hit Next to skip a track, usually it removes it from the top of the playlist, but often enough to annoy the fuck out of me, it doesn't, and I have to go back in and clean up the top of my list a few times a day. Worse, songs I've skipped will come back up in the mix sooner than I would otherwise want them to, since iTunes doesn't know I've skipped them.
I remember reading somewhere that there was a discussion once about how to make iTunes mark something as "Skipped", or at least what the secret parameters are that cause things not to become "Skipped". So tonight it annoyed me enough to hunt around, and of course, the very first hit was back to a different JWZ post from exactly three years ago this week, complaining about this exact skipping thing.
Of course he didn't get a satisfactory answer, because he almost never gets a satisfactory answer to exactly what he asked. It looks like if you skip between 2 and 20 seconds into the song, and don't hit pause ever, it will show as Skipped. Neat.
His Herp Derp checkbox was the only thing that made any of this sane for me in this case.
To mostly restore iTunes DJ, do the following:
Click + at the bottom left of the iTunes window and create a new Smart Playlist. I named mine "DJ-ish".
Match All of the following rules:
- Last Played not in the last 1 days -- Or however long you want to go between repeats
- Last Skipped not in the last 2 days -- This will make iTunes clean up most songs you skip using the Next button.
- Limit to 100 items selected by Random -- or however many upcoming tracks you want it to pull at a time
- Match only checked items -- Unless you want iTunes to randomly play songs you've explicitly told it you don't want to hear by un-checking them
- Live Updating
It's pretty simple to get most of that functionality back, but you know what would have been simpler? NOT REMOVING IT.
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