Wolfeboro Forums
I've noticed some traffic to wolfnet.xrayspx.com hitting my page since I shut down the wolfeboro.net forum installation, and I wanted to clarify the situation somewhat.
After the last Wolfeboro.net outage, I requested that they find alternate hosting for the site. I don't have the time to run it for free and deal with securing the site, etc.
They seem to have moved the site to a holding page but have not implemented Joomla or the message boards yet. At this point, I've got no more control over the running of the site and boards, but have offered to help in any way I can to bring things back online. Even in my own server change, I tried to do everything in my power to minimize site downtime while changing machines upgrading the Wolfeboro.net software.
In any case, the correct URL will be "http://www.wolfeboro.net", I wasn't even aware that people ever used wolfnet.xrayspx.com to access the site.
You're all welcome to hang out here. Perhaps I'll start a forum in Drupal for Exiled Wolfeboro.net users until things smooth back out with the site at its new home :-)
Update -- I've added a link to the Forums section to the main navigation on the left. I've also added a link to the Blogs section.
- xrayspx's blog
- Log in to post comments
- 122854 reads
Thanks xrayspx for providing the closest thing to an explanation that we exiled (more like abandoned) wolfeboro.net members have seen. I hope that someday (sooner or later) the old gang and I can again share our thoughts and trade our barbs on some reliable site.
Temp Forums
You're welcome to give this a shot. I created a quick forum here at www.xrayspx.com/forum. I just created more or less a "happenings around the lake", "politics" and "misc" sub-forums for now. In theory you can log in using OpenID if you have a Yahoo.com account (or Flickr, or any number of other sites that use OpenID), but I personally have had an issue with it since the server move. That might just be me though.
Anyone is welcome to make an account and use it until Wolfeboro.net comes back from the dead.
You can also make Blog posts if that's your cup of tea. I believe by default any such blog post will go to the front page of the site.
Thank You
Beautiful... I'll try to spread the word.
Thanks, the forum set up looks good. Of course, the old wolfeboro.net gang all used pseudonyms (such as my "old coot"). The only member I've been in contact with is tis, who I can message through the winnipesaukee.net personal message system. However, tis has guests at home and won't be able to contact those she has contact info on for for a couple of days. Please don't take the slow start personally!
I think I noticed a flaw
Since this site is currently basically from me only, with no other users, I never noticed that site emails may not be working. That will make it tough to set up new user accounts. I'll check that out when I get home tonight.
HI oc and xray! I finally got
HI oc and xray! I finally got in. When oc first told me about it I tried and couldn't but didn't have the time to fool around with it as I was actually away for a couple of days. Thanks x for letting us do this until they get the old site back up. I know I miss it! I will let others know about it but I am not sure if they will have trouble getting on or not. Thanks for the emails both of you!
I should have added, I got
I should have added, I got your email x. Thanks.
Thanks for the email tis and
Thanks for the email tis and OC.
I'll keep a watch out for the new forum.
I have been thinking of you a
I have been thinking of you a lot lately, Anti. That Captain had quite an ordeal!
I am glad you and OC got the email and you can get in ok. I hope OC can too. Hope to hear from more of the group soon. We can all thank oc for getting us in here.
When do you think Keith will
When do you think Keith will have the site back up again?
Since it's been down for all of this month, I would say that bringing it back is low on his list of priorities. It's too bad, but xrayspx has given us a forum at least.
Now I see where the two
Now I see where the two comments went. Should we be posting here or should we be posting in the other spot?(The one you oc, referred to as the right pew.)
Well, I suppose the three or
Well, I suppose the three or four of us could start discussing something. I have been waiting for more to come. I got a couple of emails from oc about the school funding program, but he isn't posting anything here.
Sorry, oc, that should be OC!
Or z, you and I could discuss what in the world oc did to be moderated on winni?????
Now I have on my email a post
Now I have on my email a post from z which I don't see here. WHat is going on??
Most everyone is moderated on that forum Tis, even your neighbor is highly moderated.
Do you mean APS z? Why do
Do you mean APS z? Why do you think it is so highly moderated. WHy not let people say what they think even if it isn't politically correct? THat is what I like about Keith. He doesn't go crazy moderating-I know he doesn't have time but--- Do you notice the threads that are the most controversial are the most popular, have the most posts?
Wrong Pew Again!
Er......I hate to mention this, but we're (you two - then this post for a third) on xrayspx's website again! If you scroll to the first (top) post, you'll see how he set up:
xrayxps's post:
Temp Forums
Submitted by xrayspx on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 3:22pm.
You're welcome to give this a shot. I created a quick forum here at www.xrayspx.com/forum. I just created more or less a "happenings around the lake", "politics" and "misc" sub-forums for now. In theory you can log in using OpenID if you have a Yahoo.com account (or Flickr, or any number of other sites that use OpenID), but I personally have had an issue with it since the server move. That might just be me though.
Anyone is welcome to make an account and use it until Wolfeboro.net comes back from the dead.
You can also make Blog posts if that's your cup of tea. I believe by default any such blog post will go to the front page of the site.
posted by oc
Well, oc, you really have me
Well, oc, you really have me confused now. I don't know where I am supposed to go. You tell me one, then the other. So I don't honestly know. Maybe this is why everyone is saying they don't want to post here as they are too confused too. Last evening I just changed my favorites back to here. Now I need to change it again????
I Give Up
I'm sorry tis - I don't want to confuse. I've only posted the address that xrayxps has posted. I've always copied and pasted it from his original announcement, never from any other source. I've found comments posted at the old wolfeboro.net back door address (including this series) but I've never advocated that anyone post here since xrayspx set up a forum at another address. Every time I try to make things clear, more confusion sets in! It's nothing to me, I'll post here. Let's talk about something or someone else!
Sounds good to me. If xray
Sounds good to me. If xray doesn't want us here, maybe he will tell us where to go. However, noone seems to want to go to the trouble of posting here and as you said, it is kind of slow with just us. I saw ditto on here, maybe ditto will post more. THe trouble with you, me and z, oc is that we think too much alike, we would just be agreeing with each other most of the time.
Great minds think alike Tis.
Great minds think alike Tis.
You guys are cool
I haven't posted a link on the homepage, which I'll do later on, but the link is http://www.xrayspx.com/forum.
As I was saying, you're more than welcome to post new forum topics and everyone should be able to comment, etc. If there are more main categories anyone thinks I should add, just let me know and I'll go ahead and add them.
It's a much simpler format than the wolfeboro.net forums are, which, to my taste, works out. I believe (though I haven't used it), that there is enough granularity that you can say "subscribe me to this discussion" for topics in which you would like to be emailed when any new comments are posted.
I'll start a forums topic for functionality feedback and I'll try to implement anything that is glaringly missing for you guys.
Have fun,
Thanks x. I have put that
Thanks x. I have put that one on my favorites so will use it from now on.