
xrayspx's picture

Cisco CSS Toy

[music | Bauhaus - Dark Entries (Live)]

This is the first of a few tools I have to release in the coming couple of weeks, mainly involving Cisco's CSS product. The purpose of me writing them is that Cisco's web interface to the CSS is both a terrible user experience and has shown itself to be vulnerable to trivial attacks in the past (in a security sense). I don't want to run the web gui on my CSS's, and most of our admins were terrified of the command line. So I wrote a bunch of tools to help do their jobs, without the possibility of screwing up the load balancers.

xrayspx's picture

Come on Apache...

[music | Sleater-Kinney]

Today's been fun. Yesterday a site run by one of my friends ( was shut down by its ISP because they got a large influx of traffic, and the ISP panicked.

xrayspx's picture

New Toy

[music | Throwing Muses - Fall Down]

Can you guys knock something around for me? Some of you have seen it before, but check out Collection Browser. So it's a collection of my CDs, with extra Amazon-Link goodness. I hope that works, I have little idea how that works, but it searches for them anyway, so as far as a user is concerned, it works fine.

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[music | Killing Joke - Mass (Campaign Collection Mix)]

I have to fly to Romania, or possibly Russia, but probably Romania. I need to find the guy who wrecked my holiday weekend.

Silly Phishers/Spammers. The bummer is he probably has a nicer car than mine. Your Benz might be faster than my Toyota, but your fast-flux DNS will never be faster than my ability to pick out one "wrong looking" TCP connection out of a pool of 50,000 legitimate ones.

Who wants to come, boots required.

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Defcon 14 Day One

[music | DJ? Acucrack]

Some photos (some good, some bad) of Defcon 14 day one.

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Narconon MadLibs

[music | Koop - Waltz for Koop]

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Better luck next time, slugheads

Why am I a good guy? Being a bad guy would fuck with my schedule a lot less than this. Stupid script kiddies.

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xrayspx's picture

Slashdot or Molokai

[music | Jesus and Mary Chain - Head On]

This thread has reinforced something which I think we all know anyway. Do not shake hands with Slashdot.

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xrayspx's picture

Hooker Furries

[music | Unwoman - Cursing You]

Dear Internet,

stop hurting me.

Thank you.

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